
You downloaded a file online.. And now, you're getting a ton of alerts. Really fast. Are these even real? Maybe try clicking on them to get rid of them! Yes, that should work!


Computer: Controls are X to start the game and the Mouse (Left-Click) to get rid of notifications.

Mobile: Click on the boxes and press the button with “X” written on it.


Click the notifications to remove them. Aim for the small box in the upper left corner.


You get +1 SCORE every third of a second, and every time you click on a notification, you get +5 SCORE . The notifications come faster and faster.

Color Changes

As shown in the Screenshots, the more notifications you have, the worse the condition gets- Green, Yellow, Red, Black.. and if you reach 35, it crashes..


Try to get the best SCORE! The game tracks your HIGHSCORE every time you reset the game. 

Unfortunately, it doesn't save your data- so if you stop the game and restart it, it'll start with your HIGHSCORE at 0.


Aim for big clumps of notifications, and, if you need help, hold the mouse down instead of clicking on each one individually (Though it's more fun if you don't).


Made for the 246th TriJam, with the theme "beep beep", which got me thinking of the sound alerts make on your device.  

Lazy Devs YT:https://youtube.com/@LazyDevs?si=_iXtV74xIQDemHuV

b3ags YT: https://youtube.com/@b3agz?si=e-97viFHiPV1-MmC

TriJam game is made for: https://itch.io/jam/trijam-246


I'm working on an update, though if you have ideas please comment them!


trijam246_windows.zip 974 kB
trijam246_osx.zip 3 MB
trijam246_linux.zip 733 kB
trijam246_raspi.zip 2 MB


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(2 edits)

By the way, I'd love to hear your HIGHSCORES!